Saturday, 30 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-sixth Day - Letter Z - Z is for Zillion & Zealous......

all his life Roarke was
 wary of cops, law forces
but fell for one, Eve

but things have changed since
now even after having
zillion properties
he's amazed to work
as civilian consultant
for NYPSD department
he's zealous work ways
 has done wonders in e-dept
 and for their cases
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Friday, 29 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-fifth Day - Letter Y - Y is for Young......

at very young age
she faced pain and abuses
that inked on her soul
but it was with him
that she finally gave way
to vocalize them
and it was with him
that she found comfort and love
tenderness, yearning
and it was him who
 accepted her as she is
her Roarke, her savior
  © Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Thursday, 28 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-fourth Day - Letter X - X is for Xenial......

with his guests at home
Roarke always'd xenial bond
of a host's kinship
that she never had
even when she'd made more friends
in the course of time
way she always snarls
for having parties as host
amuses her man
for him, she's perfect
with her, he forgets all fret
  Eve, his warrior
    © Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-third Day - Letter W - W is for Winters, Whispers & Warmth......

she disliked winters
but she met him in winters'
  teeth shattering cold

his voice with whispers
of Ireland's misty air
 knocked hard on her heart

simple forehead kiss
his fingers light caresses
 brought warmth to her soul

 to her it's always
 a surprise - the way he loved
with all of himself
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.

 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-second Day - Letter V - V is for Voguish......

just as she entered
the wide sweeping foyer of
home she'd made with him
along Summerset
she found Roarke with Galahad 
in voguish cut suit
as he walked to her
thunderstruck her heart again
with just his one look
and he cupped her chin
skimmed his thumb down its deep dent
brushed his mouth on hers
miraculous it's
to her, for the bond they shared
   and the life they made
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Monday, 25 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-first Day - Letter U - U is for Understood & Undone......

he understood Eve
the highs and lows of her mood
her dreams and desires
got accustomed to
weightage and fear of her job
   one that defines her
together they had
made of home of two lost souls
and within themselves
she'd undone his heart
just as he had undone hers
with love and passion
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Saturday, 23 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twentieth Day - Letter T - T is for Transparent & Throb......

her whiskey brown eyes
for him they were transparent
and he knew their mood
the way her eyes ease
when he sparks the sensations
of unsated love
as they go glassy
when her heart throbs in her chest
as he tastes her love  
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Friday, 22 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Nineteenth Day - Letter S - S is for Sexy......

despite of the looks
narrow face, sculpted mouth or
fallen angel look 
he's sexy as hell
when he pulls back his hair and
ties with leather band
when he does his work,
way he pulls up his shirt sleeves  
 murmurs Gaelic slang

when he is with eve
the way his eyes soften and
his body changes
he lures sexiness
even in casual jeans
and that's Roarke for you
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Thursday, 21 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Eighteenth Day - Letter R - R is for Rhythm, Rogue and Roarke......

she was amazed, when
emotions aroused in her
with his single touch
she was bedazzled
to how their bodies fitted
into perfect rhythm
her eyes went glassy
as he nibbled her body
her Irish rogue Roarke
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

April A to Z challenge - Eighteenth Day - Letter R - R is for Rangy and Rape......

tall and rangy Eve
suffered nightmares of childhood
of rape and beatings
  memories trauma
break her in pieces sometimes
haunting her in dreams
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Seventeenth Day - Letter Q - Q is for Queasy......

Trudy's arrival
brought back images of past
 and made Eve queasy
abuses, hunger
punishments and ice cold baths
  made her shiver now
 © Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Sixteenth Day - Letter P - P is for Poetic......

his poetic mouth
sleek hair and powerful eyes
makes him alluring

it stirs her stomach
with longing ache of hunger
 that sates with his touch
 © Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

April A to Z challenge - Sixteenth Day - Letter P - P is for Pale......

he's troubled seeing
her pale face and those shadows
beneath her brown eyes
 © Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.
 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

April A to Z challenge - Sixteenth Day - Letter P - P is for Pendant......

he brought a pendant
a giant's tear in gold chain
from Australia trip
long twisted gold chain
 with a huge tear shaped pendant
for his eve, his cop 
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.

 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Monday, 18 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Fifteenth Day - Letter O - O is for Offshore......

she had always loved
feel of sand under her feet
as waves crashed on shore

on their vacation
they made passionate love on
an offshore island

© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.

 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Book Review: Forget Me Not, Stranger by Novoneel Chakraborty

Name of the Book: Forget Me Not, Stranger.

Author: Novoneel Chakraborty

Publisher: Random House India

About the Author: Novoneel Chakraborty is the bestselling author of six romantic thrillers. Forget Me Not, Stranger is his seventh novel and third in the immensely popular Stranger trilogy. He works in the Indian films and television industry, penning popular shows like Million Dollar Girl, Twist Wala Love and Secret Diaries for Channel V. He lives in Mumbai. (Via Amazon)

Blurb: I’m Rivanah Bannerjee, 23/F/Mumbai. Some of you might already know how my life is on a razor edge. Those of you who don’t, just know this: I may be killed soon . . . by the Stranger. I don’t know who or what he is: a ghost, a person or a figment of my imagination? All I know is he isn’t just one thing: he is sexy and scary, terrific and terrifying. What I don’t understand is why a young, harmless girl like me, who works in a big city, stays away from her parents and has a screwed-up love life, would be of any interest to him. Unless there is something about my own story that I do not know. . .

In the hotly anticipated final installment of the Stranger trilogy, Rivanah will learn the answers to her many questions—what is it that binds her to the dead Hiya? Who is the Stranger? Why has he been following her all this while?—leading to an intense, breath-taking climax. (Via Amazon)

Verdict: As the blurb clearly states, the story revolves around Rivanah who has been stalked by a stranger ever since she has set her foot in Mumbai city. The one who makes her do many things against her wishes and never leaves her with any choice whatsoever. The mystery of him is so fearful and at the same time arousing for her that she tends to ponder and be sad if and when the stranger doesn’t contacts Rivanah for few days. She finds him sexy and terrifying at the same time. But this time she is sure that he is definitely back of her life and wishes her harm...or more worse wants her dead.

Will she be able to gather the facts and secrets of her own life? Will she finally get a chance to unearth the truth of this stranger? Will she get to meet him? Will she find out the truth behind Hiya’s death and her connection with her? Let’s find out……

1) Brilliantly sketched story line.
2) Nice cover but could have been better.
3) The characters have been described to perfection.
4) The twists and turns described in the story are bound to stay with you for days.

To sum up with the review it’s perfectly awesome story line and a sequence to Marry Me, Stranger and All Yours, Stranger which in itself are well written novels. The author has grown immensely in the way he projects his story and has an expertise to turn a series of mysteries without leaving the story overburdened or letting it lose its charm. This series is sure to be one of his finest works ever.  

All in all it’s a mind-boggling and mind blowing story which will make you love, hate and at times envy Rivanah’s character. A must read!!!!!!

PS – I am still high and lost in the twists and turn of the story and seems like it will take me some days to get normal and even consider picking up my next book.

Ratings: 5 OUT OF 5.

Book Details:

Forget Me Not, Stranger
Random House India
ISBN – 13
Novoneel Chakraborty
No. of Pages
123 Rs


Purchase Link: Click Here

©Heena Ahuja
16th April, 2016

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