Wednesday, 27 April 2016

April A to Z challenge - Twenty-third Day - Letter W - W is for Winters, Whispers & Warmth......

she disliked winters
but she met him in winters'
  teeth shattering cold

his voice with whispers
of Ireland's misty air
 knocked hard on her heart

simple forehead kiss
his fingers light caresses
 brought warmth to her soul

 to her it's always
 a surprise - the way he loved
with all of himself
© Literati Meraki - iwrite

PS: This haiku is dedicated the characters of my favorite novel series - The In Death series by Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts published her first novel using the pseudonym J. D. Robb in 1995, introducing readers to the tough as nails but emotionally damaged homicide cop Eve Dallas and billionaire Irish rogue, Roarke.

Anyone who wishes to check the first book of that series or wishes to buy can click here: Naked in Death.

 Its April A to Z 2016 challenge, which marks its 7th challenge this year and my very first. So this challenge is all about posting every day, keeping the English Alphabets (A to Z) in mind, in the month of April (except for Sundays). Rest, to know all about the A to Z challenge click April A to Z Challenge. However, my theme for A to Z challenge is "haiku".


  1. Nora Roberts is one heck of a pacer and plotter! Even if you have no intention of getting drawn in, in you go! :)

    A Bit to Read

    1. So very true. She is quite a master in writing romantic novels and you get drawn into them and fall in love with those characters. :)

  2. awwww again with those words you make readers fall in love :) I have already started looking for the book.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

    1. Thanks a ton Rajlakshmi. It really really means a lot to me. Love to have you here and I'm glad you like my haiku. I have linked the link of the first book of In Death series by Nora Robberts, you can find it in the PS section of my posts. :)


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